If you go through this privacy policy carefully, you will get some clarity on why Flicknexs collects certain personal data from you, and how it is utilized. You will also learn, how you can keep all your data safe and secure, modify or update the same.
When you visit our website and gain some details or purchase certain services, we may ask you some information from you. These may include name, email address, postal address, phone numbers. But we will never collect your billing information directly via any one of our agents working with Bright Livingstone Consultancy Pvt Ltd, DBA Flicknexs.com such as credit card number, CVV attached phone number etc.
We may ask you for unique identifiers which are things like a username, an account number and a password ( Only your account with US inside flicknexs.com ,and via writing to you via basecamp.com of flicknexs / webnexs account).
If you are registering on behalf of a company, then you may need to give information related to the company like its name, address and other associated information. Our systems may gather other information like IP address, browser type and operating system, on its own.
Now, it’s quite obvious that you may eager to know why we are collecting this information, and some of the reasons are:
We promise you that the information that we take from you, will be utilized only and only for the purpose for which it has been collected. We also ensure you that the given information will not be shared with any outside parties, without your explicit permission. However, we might share your information with such companies, with whom we work in close collaboration with, in order to offer better services and customer care to you.
Another situation, wherein we might have to share information would be one, where there are legal aspects involved. Should the court or any special body of law ask us to release the information, we will have to do the same. In addition to that, if Flicknexs is engaged in a merger, sale or acquisition, information given out by clients might be released only to such parties to help its clients get served better.
However, the information regarding the same will be sent to you, either via email or support message.
At Flicknexs, we understand how important your personal details are, that’s why we pay utmost attention to protecting the same. This is one of the reasons why, we ensure the encryption of super sensitive information like credit card details ( though we dont save them in our servers) and only dealt by authorised payment gateways like stripe/ razorpay/ payoneer/ cashfree etc.
With encryption, you can be assured that there can be minimal chances of cyber theft, during transmission.
Apart from this, we practice all the standards procedures to ensure safety of the information provided to us. However, knowing that nothing is completely secure on the internet, we cannot guarantee absolute security of your personal details.
We also provide linking to our website via social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, which allow us to authenticate your information. The option to share information related to user id, name and email addresses is left with you. If you allow the sharing, your network will also know about your activities. With your permission, we will also post your testimonials on our site, allowing us to serve more clients.
If you have any questions related to the security on our site, or wish to have your testimonials removed, please feel free to contact us at support@flicknexs.com
In case you wish to have of any your information updated or modified, all you have to do is log into your account. Alternatively, you could also send us a mail at support@flicknexs.com, and we will make the changes for you.
As a standard practice, we do make changes to our privacy policy, as these have to be keeping with the industry specifications. However, if there are any such changes, we will inform via email or by posting a notice on the site itself. If there is anything else you wish to know more about, please feel free to contact us at:
If there is anything else you wish to know more about, please feel free to contact us at:
Phone: +15155199991 / +91 72000 87690In case you have questions or grievances in regards with our privacy policy or practices, please do contact us at support@flicknexs.com
Address : 1910, Thomes Avenue, Cheyenne,
Wyoming - 82001 USA.
Address : Suite 10, 4th Floor, Victoria Road, Aldershot,
England, GU11 1EJ
Address : No:5/15, Dr.Ambedkar Salai, Vedagiri Street,
Pammal, Chennai, TamilNadu 600075.
Registered Company Name: Bright Livingstone Consultancy Private Limited
DBA : Flicknexs.com
CIN : U74999TN2015PTC099795 ( India )
Year of Incorporation : March 2015
Whatsapp: +15155199991 / +91 95000 80937
Email Id: support@flicknexs.com / dbl0207@gmail.com / admin@brightlivingstone.com
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